Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Honesty... Honestly!

An easily said word, but a dificult promise to keep. Such an important aspect of any human relashionship and yet one very dificult to maintain. How many times do we fail to be completely honest for a various number of reasons, oh such an impresive array of excuses, situations and thoughts that can make us... twist... the truth once in a while. So if it is done without malice, to prevent humiliation, embarassment, etc... is it justified? Are we so used to the fact that people lie? ...once in a while, and as long as it is not done with bad intentions it can be forgiven and even overlooked with such ease it doesnt even surprise us anymore. Unless its something that really affects us, then it all changes, its not even lying anymore... its betrayal, malice, the worst of the crimes. Honesty is important, and though it may hurt, offend and maybe sometimes humiliate someone it should be said and confronted. Even as ugly and unconfortable that truth can be isnt it better than ignorance, misinformation, deceit? Shouldnt we rather have the facts than a well organized and pleasant lie?