Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective, a new idea, a dream or maybe even a nightmare. Even when things are so uncertain... are they really so imposible? So unreachable? The paths we take can be as long as they can be unknown, but then if it wasnt that way... what fun would be in that? And would we still have the same eagerness to take them? to experience different sensations? We can easily settle down for a "default" set of convictions and ideas and keep on walking a road which we may think is the appropiate one, but if we never drifted from those roads think of how much would have never been discovered and learned. Have no fear of what you do not know and instead of turning your back from it, learn from it, maybe youll find a new road maybe you will just strengthen your resolve to continue on your chosen path. Either way you gained an experience that may help you open up your mind and help you understand...